Friday, September 26, 2008

Day 13 Luxembourg Day 14/15 Berlin

After a nice wee train ride From Brussels we wound up in Luxembourg.
From the train station we walked to our hotel through one of the dodgy areas we have
Found so far, never mind, Next day we are off over the bridges to the town centre were we
get our first taste of what Luxembourg is really different for, height.
I have tried to show that in some of my photos probably unsuccessfully..
If you're not in to heights you won't enjoy Luxembourg.
There are some pretty sites and some nice shopping. Palace is lovely. And we had great weather.
After that we went to the casemates, tunnels under that 13th and 14th century town walls dug buy the Spanish.
Which was interesting it was after this however that I came up with my second revelation about Luxembourg. Looks pretty, smells like wee.
After our tripping around we went to the train station with a couple of hours to kill we thought
we might find a few things to eat..
So off Alex walked to find a supermarket or handy dairy somewhere near the Train station.
And Alex walked and walked some more after an hour of finding nothing at all but bars, Restaurants and clubs. I gave up. Also it was dodgy.
Ok off to Berlin via Liege
We had to swap trains at Liege (Belgium) handy tip if you have an hour to kill there is a hotel called Hotel De Ville where you can get a nice coffee at midnight. An Old hotel that is probably been desperately hanging on till the introduction of the Eurail.
Then on our way on a, hot and way to small sleeper train to Berlin. Didn't get much sleep...
But on arrival in Berlin we got to go to our Hostel called Singer109 which was better
Than most of the hotels we have been staying at... It was an ex soviet block type of thing done up
Really nice.
Berlin was in the end a bit surly. We had troubles with grumpy tram drivers and security guards
As I was trying to get around the far to big Museum of Deutchesland The Security guards would sort of pare at you like your about to take off with there 17th century 6 foot square painting of some aristocrat who did nothing but get dressed up as a woman in a military uniform he didn't earn.
(Good on the artist for failing to cover his larger waistline by the way).
Very interesting the delicate wording on the two wars... and I learnt a bit more about the situation that lead to the Nazi rise.
Paula had a troubling experience with a security guard to in that he was trying to explain in German for her to sit properly in a seat. With Paula's lack of understanding he made a joke of this to some other people to laugh at... It was good display of Germans not having got over there bullying ways. Considering the German situation I would have expected a bit more humility.
On our last day in Berlin, we took an u-bahn train out to the ostbahnhof station and walked towards the river. Here there is the largest and most intact section of the Berlin Wall. Paula thought it was longer than her expectations. We went around a few bends, and I expected it to stop! Paula also thought that it was shorter and a lot less substantial than in her mind. After we returned to the hostel to pick up our bags and have a cheap burger, we were onto the night train to Krakow.
Anyway I have come to the conclusion that Berlin is a big dirty city that probably isn't the real Germany. As London isn't England.
... And is just a bit surly...

LX. (and P.)

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