Friday, August 24, 2007

Made it ok...

So... after spending almost 4 hours sitting in a plane going to nowhere in Wellington, we have made the long haul out here to London.
Things of interest in our journey:
1. Getting to know Sydney airport for a whole 20 minutes.... (damn late planes and things... at least we did make our connecting flight though....)
2. Monsoon season in Hong Kong (picture to follow) My god, what HUGE airport!!!!!!

3. Eating waffles with NZ anchor butter in Hong Kong... hehehe...

4. Alex always seeming to get the only seat on the aircraft with a faulty tv monitor. (LX.. grrrr....)
5. The amazingly long queue at Heathrow for immigration... a couple of hundred people all waiting in lines like cattle waiting to be dipped! however, the immigration guy we had was surprisingly pleasant.
6. Meeting a FANTASTIC Hannah at Heathrow, with help to get us on the tube... what an amazing amazing person!!!!!!

So... yeah, not too jetlagged, although seem to be waking up at ridiculously early times (bloody 6am.... grrr...) That includes Alex.... I KNOW!!!!!

todays mission is finding a cell phone, so you can all try to text soon!!!!

more soon!!!!
P and LX

1 comment:

nette said...

Hi Paula and Alex,

Not sure if you are going to get this but I'll test the system and see. Glad you have made it safely if not a bit sunburnt and coldy!

I'll have to work out how this all works, note that the only email that works at present is as the xtra email system is still impossible to access with the recent merger of Yahoo and Xtra!

Take care, love Brent and Jeanette